The Axcis Academy

The Axcis Academy

The Axcis Academy

The Axcis Academy


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Prevent training sits alongside long-established safeguarding duties on professionals to protect people from a range of other harms such as substance abuse, involvement in gangs and physical and sexual exploitation. 

Prevent is one part of the government's overall counter-terrorism strategy. The aim of Prevent is to:

  • Tackle the ideological causes of terrorism.
  • Intervene early to support people susceptible to radicalisation,
  • Enable people who have already engaged in terrorism to disengage and rehabilitate.


Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the Prevent duty.
  • Different extremist ideologies that can lead to terrorism .
  • The risk around radicalisation and your supportive role.
  • Making a Prevent referral that is both informed and made with good intention.
  • The interventions and support available.


Duration: Approximately 1 hour. You can study at your own pace.

Delivery: Online training.